Product Information
What is activated carbon?
Activated carbon, also called activated charcoal or active carbon, is a versatile and porous material used as an adsorbent. It is specifically produced to have a large surface area, making it highly effective for purifying, deodorising, and decolourising liquids and gases. It is commonly derived from sources like nut shells, coal, or wood.
What is an adsorbent?
An adsorbent is a material with mechanical/chemical properties which causes different substances to physically or chemically adhere to it. The high surface area of activated carbon makes it a very effective adsorbent. Activated carbon is especially attracted to organic molecules and some heavy metals, making it an excellent material for cleaning up contamination.
What is your activated carbon made from?
Bygen has developed a low-energy process to produce high-quality activated carbon from renewable, sustainable biomass feedstocks rather than using non-renewable sources like coal. This biomass includes a variety of agricultural and forestry wastes, such as nut shells and wood.
What are the advantages of our product?
The key advantages of working with Bygen include that the organisation:
Utilises by-products (value adds) that would otherwise be burned or discarded.
Reduces the energy required for activated carbon production compared to traditional methods.
Reduces the water consumption typically needed to "activate" carbon char.
Enables the activated carbon properties to be tailored for specific customer needs.
Has a dramatically reduced CO₂ footprint due to not needing external fuel firing in the production process.
Overall, Bygen's technology aims to provide a more sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to conventional activated carbon production processes.
What types of activated carbon do you offer?
We offer a diverse range of activated carbon products in various sizes, bag sizes, and pore structures. These include powdered (PAC) and granulated (GAC) forms that are produced in our facilities. The correct product and mesh size depend on the specific application and are often tailored to customer requirements.
What range of surface areas do you offer?
All Bygen products have a minimum average surface area of 950m²/g because we primarily focus on the water, wastewater, and PFAS contaminant removal markets. However, we can offer higher surface area products and increased methylene blue and methylene red adsorption capacities for specific customer needs.
What quality tests does Bygen perform for products?
Traditionally, clients are mainly focused on raw material, density, surface area (iodine test), ash content, mesh size, and potentially (rarely) methylene blue tests for PFAS absorbance. Bygen can do all of these tests in-house. In addition, we test our PFAS remediation products for specific net removal efficiencies for both short and long-chain PFAS molecules. If you have other requirements for your application, please inquire, and we will determine how to help you deliver the right specifications for your application.
Do you keep inventory (and where)?
Bygen keeps bulk volumes of inventory at each production site, as well as at our warehouse facilities in Thomastown, VIC. We aim to maintain a minimum quantity of 80 tonnes at any time to support major clients and their project timelines.
What size bags does your activated carbon come in?
Bygen generally deploys stock in 20kg or 500kg bags. We can supply special orders in bespoke package sizes or types. For more information, please contact sales@bygen.com.au
Use & application
What are the common applications of your activated carbon products?
Our activated carbon products are used for a broad range of purposes across municipal, industrial, and residential applications.
These include water purification, air purification, odour control, removal of volatile organic compounds (VOC), recovery of precious metals, and remediation of PFAS. In particular, the food and beverage industry uses high volumes of activated carbon due to its high surface area and corresponding adsorptive properties.
It is even used in cosmetics, whitening toothpastes and medicines for the same adsorptive properties.
How do Bygen's products function?
In water treatment, activated carbon removes organic contaminants, odours, taste, and certain chemicals like PFAS or chlorine. Activated carbon does not reduce most salts (TDS/conductivity); for example, it is not effective against calcium, sulphates, or nitrates.
In the food and beverage sector, activated carbon is employed for decolorisation, purification, and deodorisation, including alcoholic beverages, sweeteners, and edible oils, as well as for treating non-emulsified oils and heavy metals.
Air purifiers with activated carbon can effectively remove volatile organic compounds (VOCs), odours, smoke, and other pollutants, contributing to improved indoor air quality.
We also provide activated carbon for specific uses such as trace chemical/herbicide removal, food-grade products, cosmetology, automotive applications, industrial gas purification, and petroleum processing.
Apart from supplying AC, what other services does Bygen offer?
As a trusted partner with a comprehensive commitment to the AC industry, Bygen offers a range of services beyond supply, including:
Biomass assessment (for AC production): we can assess the availability, quality, and sustainability of biomass resources for creating a sustainable activated carbon plant.
Activated carbon milling & re-bagging: Bygen has the in-house capability to mill third-party activated carbon products to specific particle sizes, before classifying and re-bagging. This ensures that the activated carbon meets the desired specifications for clients in all use cases.
Activated carbon plant design and supply: Bygen specialises in the design and supply of activated carbon production plants. We work closely with land owners and/or biomass producers to adapt our design and establish rollout plans from conception through to execution.
Environmental Impact
What is the environmental impact of activated carbon production & use?
As a potent adsorbent, AC is used to remove pollutants, which helps to improve the state of our environment, drinking water, and food. However, historically, the production and use of AC have had significant negative environmental implications.
Traditional AC production, often from coal, wood, or coconut shells, poses environmental challenges, this includes:
Emissions: fossil fuel use to create heat or power contributes to greenhouse gas emissions.
Resource Consumption: production often relies on non-renewable resources, such as coal (50% of total production), which involves harmful extraction processes and high transport emissions.
Waste Generation: Improperly managed waste from production (e.g., mine runoff and gas emissions) can pollute or contaminate local waterways.
Water and Soil Contamination: Improperly disposed of AC (after use) can cause pollutants to return to soil and water bodies.
What happens to activated carbon after use?
When AC's adsorption sites become saturated (or “full”), adsorbed substances may remain/return, potentially leading to chemical recontamination, microbial growth, and regulatory breaches if not disposed of properly. Spent activated carbon is typically removed and then treated off-site, either by regeneration, incineration or safe disposal.
What is the positive social impact of activated carbon production?
1. Health and Community Well-Being
Improved Air Quality: Reducing emissions during production helps improve air quality for nearby communities, decreasing health risks such as respiratory problems. In wastewater treatment or scrubber applications, activated carbon removes and retains odours, minimising industrial impact on surrounding communities.
Cleaner Water and Soil: Bygen’s activated carbon effectively removes harmful substances (e.g., pesticides, PFAS), contributing to safer drinking water and healthier ecosystems for communities.
2. Worker Safety and Job Creation
Safer Work Environments: Bygen’s low-temperature, chemical-free process minimises occupational hazards, protecting workers from exposure to dangerous substances.
Economic Opportunities: Bygen creates local jobs in the clean technology sector, fostering local employment and promoting sustainable economic growth in remote areas and small communities.
3. Environmental Justice
Avoiding Displacement: By relying on agricultural by-products instead of raw material extraction, Bygen prevents the displacement of communities and the destruction of habitats.
Climate Resilience: By reducing greenhouse gas emissions and energy use in production, Bygen supports global efforts to combat climate change, which disproportionately affects vulnerable populations.
4. Circular Economy and Community Empowerment
Value Creation: Transforming agricultural by-products into high-value activated carbon provides new revenue streams for industries and supports sustainable practices.
Community Engagement: By working collaboratively with local sectors, Bygen fosters partnerships that empower communities to participate in eco-friendly and socially responsible practices.
How is Bygen’s social and environmental impact fundamentally different?
Bygen produces activated carbon from sustainable biomass sources, such as agricultural residues and other organic by-products. This significantly reduces the environmental footprint by avoiding fossil fuels as the fuel source for the activation stage. Furthermore, Bygen aims to provide social benefits by utilising by-products and reducing reliance on non-renewable resources.
Ordering & Shipping
How can I order Bygen activated carbon products?
Contact our sales team (sales@bygen.com.au), who can provide individual guidance and technical support on which products will best suit your use case.
How are your activated carbon products shipped?
Bygen typically ships in bags or cartons. The specific shipping and storage requirements can vary depending on the type of activated carbon and the regulations of the destination country.
Do you offer worldwide shipping?
Yes, we can ship globally, Please contact sales@bygen.com.au for specific advice on rates and delivery times.
How do I become a production partner for Bygen?
Bygen is keen to engage with values-aligned production partners in Australia and internationally. Please contact us at sales@bygen.com.au for more information on how to collaborate or have some of your biomass tested for suitability.

38 Mercedes Drive
Thomastown, VIC 3074
Phone: +61 3 9465 2140
General Enquiries: info@bygen.com.au
Sales Enquiries: sales@bygen.com.au